Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Maus II

Maus II was definitely an adult visual story.  In the story I wasn’t sure what kind of animal or man was the narrator.  Everyone wore a mask. Did this signify that people wear masks all the time and no one can clearly be recognized?  The narrator is a commercial success but feels depressed and has survivor remorse because his dad survived the holocaust.  He sits at his desk as the bodies pile up. The even bodies do not have human faces they are only emaciated corpses. Spiegelman needs to see his shrink who also happens to be a survivor.  The narrator has issues with trying to understand his dad and what he went through in the concentration camps. “No matter what I accomplish, it doesn’t seem like much compared to surviving Auschwitz.” (Spiegelman 3772).    The only character that I saw that didn’t wear a mask was the German soldier beating the Jewish prisoner, Appel. Is the German soldier revealing his true face? I think that the adult comic/visual book helps the reader to visualize and comprehend the horror of the holocaust.


  1. Umm I think you accidentally did the wrong reading assignment. Althought Art Spielglman did write MausII we were assigned blackboard reading where he covered 9/11. While Maus and MausII are amazing books and I highly recommend reading them but probably in sequential order. You might want to go back to Blackboard and read the initial assignment covering 9/11.

  2. Vanessa,
    Kayla is correct. Maus is awesome, but I posted "In the Shadow of No Towers" to fit with our Lit After 9/11 theme. Sorry for the confusion!
