Saturday, October 11, 2014


This weeks story, Entropy, by Thomas Pynchon was very difficult for me to understand.  There is so much going on throughout the story.  One theme that was constant was that of chaos and order.  In Meatball Mulligan's apartment is the chaos of the party.  There is Duke, Vincent, Krinkles and Paco listening to music another group are in the kitchen playing a game a woman in the bathroom sink, passed out.  Then Saul comes in through the window.  Meatball has utter chaos that he has to deal with, "So he decided to try and keep his lease-breaking party from deteriorating into total chaos:..." (Pynchon 3031) And he sets about doing that. The feeling I get, even in the midst of all the chaos and noise of the party, is dynamic and vibrant and alive.  The direct contrast is the apartment above which is Callisto and Aubade's , "Hermetically sealed, it was a tiny enclave of regularity in the city's chaos,..." (Pynchon 3023).  They are so integral to the world they have created they can no longer leave it.  Both of them live in the past and have ceased to create anything new.  Callisto "envisioned a heatdeath for his culture in which ideas, like heat-energy, would no longer be transferred, since each point in it would ultimately have the same quantity of energy; and intellectual motion would,accordingly, cease." (Pynchon 3026)  Callisto seems to be at that point where his world is coming to an end.  He is trapped in the past instead of living in the present and being part of world around him.  Callisto has created his own "heatdeath" by sealing himself off and not being apart of the energy and noise and chaos in the world.

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